Virtual learning can be a challenge!
Learning designers and developers are often pushed to 'convert' learning content designed for face-to-face to a virtual platform, but, in reality, to do the content justice and give the participant the learning experience they need and deserve virtual content needs to be completely redesigned to be effective.
Too many years of these 'conversions' has left most people with a bad feeling about learning virtually and, unfortunately, created a lot of poor design and development habits.
An enjoyable learning experience increases attendance, attention and retention and can be achieved on any platform with the right approach.
Understanding the different behavioural motivaters in each type of platform is key to creating successful virtual learning experiences. Virtual Effectiveness has experience designing and facilitating for virtual classrooms, desktop sharing (webinar) platforms, elearning, and avatar-driven virtual reality environments, in addition to many years in a physcial setting.
Drive a better
We have been facilitating Emotional Intelligence and other leadership workshops [virtually] and at first, I was quite skeptical. Once I began using the learning environment, I quickly became a convert. I saw how it allowed us to do almost everything we could do in a face-to-face environment.
Tana Heminsley
We live in busy times; it is difficult to get people to commit to attend learning. Don't waste your time or their money by giving them less than your best. But, they shouldn't have to travel to get it. Getting the learner to see that value in your offering is only the beginning, if you can't keep their attention high and their retention is low then your attendance will suffer.
There's no point in attending learning if you aren't going to retain a good portion of what is presented. Retention in a virtual setting is dependent upon things such as volume, behaviour and application. Looking beyond the typical death-by-PowerPoint approach to these hurdles is key to creating a successful, retained learning experience.
As participants we hear over and over again how important it is to be engaged and stay engaged - that's easy to say but hard to do when you're competing with email, reminders, apps, phone calls, etc. But, what if your learning was designed so the learner had a different role to play?

The Physical Diversity Method of learning design and delivery has been developed over 2 decades with feedback from thousands of learners who demand an active, interesting, and effective virtual learning experience.